SET Performance
Fitness-Forward Programming
With SET Performance by your side, we will help you reach your fitness, athletic or sport goals! Whether your aim is to complete your first 10km race, make an all-star team, walk more comfortably or build an effective team warm up - no matter where you are starting from our step-by-step approach to fitness and exercise will teach you the skills you need to feel your best!
Be it an at home program, program for your gym of choice, or a regular coach guided program we have you covered! Working one on one, or in groups of two, you will learn to use a variety of exercise techniques and tools to help you achieve your goals!
SET Performance Services
Health and Fitness
Move Better for Life
Injury Prevention
Identify Areas of Risk to Prevent New/Repeat Injuries
Group Presentations
Speak to Your Team or Group on Topics Such As Warm Ups, Injury Prevention, and Nutrition
Athletic Performance
Increased Performance for All Your Weekend Activities
Sport Specific Training
Pre, Mid and Post Season Training Programs
Active Workshops
Learn Skills and Techniques in Areas of Mobility, General Warm Up, Sport Specific Warm Up and Post Event Cool Down

Take Your Pick
$750 for 10, $320 for 4
One on One Sessions
Great way to start learning fundamental movements to help achieve your fitness goals! Also, an option for those looking to adjust existing programs, learn new skills, or would like a refresher after an extended period of time off due to injury or circumstance.